Tuesday 13 April 2021

The nazi 👀

 The nazi is a party controlled by germans, a main man in this party is someone who was once feared by all people named Hitler something i liked was when the man who was killing all the jews came and told them that they are free, I didnt like the nazi mainly because they were taking innocent jews lifes, young or old they had no mercy I know now how the jew's were treated in their own country and most likely on their own land and i am grateful that our tupuna did not have to go through that I would like to know how the people that killed the jew's were after the war, like how they were mentally knowing they killed all the innocent people

Monday 12 April 2021

Kahurangi - Schindler list

 We watched a film named Schindler list, it was about how Hitler had his army people slaving the Jews into doing stuff and killing them, Out of all the bad people their was one nice man named Oscar Schindler who saved 1,000 Jews from dying, I didn't know much about the holocaust or anything but now i have some knowledge about it, I know now how human rights were shown in Germany, the human rights in that country compared to the ones in this country is very different, we had wars but they had people enslaved and tortured and killed just for fun, my question is How all the soldiers could take an innocent humans life