Tuesday 6 July 2021

Leadership & Goverment

 Over the past few weeks we have been learning about the government and leadership. Leadership is when someone is a leader of something and they are willing to do things for their people. Democracy is when not only certain people get to say what happens because you have your own voice. Government is a group filled with people to govern a certain place. Every single topic we have learnt about they all have a connection to leadership and government, such as leadership within my school, we have many leaders in our school and it goes from the board of trustees ( BOT ) to the head girl and boy and the prefects. You need democracy to have leadership because you will need to have a voice of your own, you need leadership to be in the government because you will have to lead and make good decisions for that area you are governing. This topic made me open my eyes because i didn't know the history and the backstory about all this leadership and government around the world. One massive issue we have in our community is the street lights, we need to get more because it is getting very dark and it's unsafe.